The entire 2nd semester seem too short for me. I can’t believe it’s already done and I finally surpass it. I have no idea how fast time flown by. It’s been good a semester I probably say and I am so glad that I was blessed to be a part of it. I had so many great experiences mostly with my friends. My freshmen year was great. And am I’m so very happy that God has blessed me with my time here and spent it with my friends and instructor. I have so much fun especially knowing my new classmate classmate and friends.
I learn a lot of things that I’ve not expected. Now I realize what college life is. I don’t want to end this semester because I might think I’m going to miss all the stuff and mostly my friends. I think my skills using the computer have improved a lot. Because the school have done their part in order for me to improve and discover my skill. Thank you so much 'Sir Ex'. You've been a good professor. I’m really happy because I’ve found my true friends who are always there for me in times of difficulties. I remember all those cramming weave experiences. I could now say that life in college differs a lot from the previous years.
I really focus on my studies now not like in my high school years I take it for granted. I enjoy all the things I’ve done I have no regret at all. Now that my Freshmen year has finally close yesterday, I’m going to miss all the stuff and the school off course. Its been a good Freshmen year for me spending it with my instructors and friends. And thank you so much for allowing me to share my experiences with you. I hope that you have been able to get a glimpse of my Freshmen college life.
Goodbye for now! Hope to meet you again.....
Thank You Instructors........
Posted on
Saturday, March 14, 2009
j lo,
2 Comments to “Glimpses of My Whole First Year Life in College for the Second Semester!”
# Posted by KyleX (March 16, 2009 at 10:44 PM)
Dramaha ui!!heheh!!!
Anonymous (March 17, 2009 at 6:44 AM)
Aw!!! mao man!
i google sitemap na imu blog para ma kita ka sa search engine.para naa ka visitors
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